Bueno dias o noches, les hablo a todos quienes consumen
mis proyectos (se los agradezco), ya sea ver mi arte, u oir
mis canciones. Este mensaje va dirigido a quienes escuchan
mis canciones.
doy el aviso de que crearé un Album/Seccion, únicamente
para recopilar Remakes, que haré de canciones cuyos
resultados, no me han agradado de forma personal. Esto
significa que habrá canciones que tendrán una Segunda
Version "V2/Remake/Rework". no borraré las primeras versiones,
porque puede que haya alguien les agraden. solo habrá una
segunda versión de algunas canciones, exclusivamente en ese
album recopilatorio.
Good morning or night, I'm speaking to everyone who
consumes my projects (I appreciate it), whether it's to see
my art or listen to my songs. This message is addressed to
those who listen to my songs.
I'm letting you know that I'll be creating an album/section
solely to compile remakes of songs whose results I personally
didn't like. This means there will be songs that will have a
second version, "V2/Remake/Rework". I won't delete the first versions,
because some people might like them. There will only be a
second version of some songs, exclusively on that compilation
The album will develop over time. It will not be continuous.
It will include the songs
-If Wasn't Because of You-
-Wild Saber-
Among other.
THX :3